Thursday, May 14, 2009

Word of the Day

Thanks to my brother John Lashmett for making me laugh every day.

So far, the words of the day have been:

Wednesday - Booberific
Thursday - Hooterific, in honor of my plastic surgeon
Friday - Rackerific

Stay tuned next week for more Words of the Day!


  1. I love your words for the day! It will be so much easier to stay in touch now that I have my computer back. I have a question, can I use booberific on any day or must it be on Wednesdays only? Love from your "oldest" friend, Toni

  2. You can use the words however you like in what ever you like. I am glad you like them.

  3. Good, because I may try to slip it into conversation tomorrow. It will be tricky, but I may pull it off while transferring a title. Wish me luck!
